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Apostle Randall C. Furlow is a dynamic end-time voice trumpeting a clarion call to the Body of Christ and the world at large. Motivated by an intense desire to see God's truth and fullness manifested in the lives of people, he ministers the word of the Lord to bring restoration, release, and breakthrough. Under a powerfully catalytic anointing, he makes known the righteous decrees of God that bring spiritual, economic, and societal transformation. He ministers the uncompromising word of God without restraint, challenging the hearers to become totally abandoned to God in order to fulfill His purpose for their lives. 

R.C. Furlow Global was founded to fulfill the commission he received from the Lord to release solid, foundational, apostolic, and prophetic teaching to the Body of Christ - then to the world.  Apostle Furlow proclaims, "We are in the midst of an apostolic reformation and the Holy Spirit is bringing all things back to the Almighty's original blueprint and purpose."  

In addition to his itinerant ministry, Apostle Furlow has established Ekklesia Global Worship Assembly, a powerful, thriving Kingdom-centered church with a location in Waterbury, Connecticut; the Ekklesia School of Ministry, a five-fold ministry and leadership training institute; the Natsar School of the Prophets, an intense mentorship module which exists to train and develop prophets and prophetic-types to a place of mature and functional expression as vessels of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the Ekklesia Global Fellowship, an international apostolic collaborative of like-minded leaders, ministries, and churches for camaraderie, accountability, and covering. Apostle Furlow was ceremonially affirmed into Apostleship and Consecrated as a Bishop in October of 2017, by his spiritual father, Bishop Tudor Bismark, and the College of Apostles, Prophets, and Bishops.  

Apostle Furlow is married to the love of his life, Lady Autumn-Marie. She is the co-founder and a co-laboring apostolic leader of all of their ministry enterprises. She is a passionate lover of God who desires to see His presence and power manifested in the lives of His people.  Her heart’s cry is for the family unit to be healed, and for the people of God to be strengthened and restored to walk in God's full purpose for their lives. She is a prophet and a powerful intercessor. Their union has been blessed with four children.

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